Yes, it is an additional $100 deposit is non-refundable and it is used towards travel, set up and break down. This is Not toward your final total. This deposit is transferrable for another date within 60 days from party. If not transferred within 60 days you forfeit your deposit.

The deposit to secure your party is the same as in studio parties which is the cost of 3 guest due at the time of booking

For example, the deposit amount for an adult painting party is $105 (which covers up to 3 guests for the party on our traditional 16 x 20 canvases = $35/person) This nonrefundable deposit will be credited towards your minimum party cost.

Can we pay when the instructor arrives?

The FULL balance of your party balance is due 3 days PRIOR to your booked date of the minimum amount of guest required. NO CASH will be accepted the day of. All guest are able to access a managed payment link for the party and the instructor will have a check-in form available based on purchase

Why do we have to pay in advance?

Paying in advanced secures the minimum amount of guest, allows the instructor to be well prepared based on the amount of guest and if an assistant is required and it makes everything run smoothly for the host of the party as everyone is accounted for!

When can we book for private parties?

Private parties can be booked for any day and time of the week contingent upon staff and space availability. We recommend booking your mobile event AT LEAST A MONTH IN ADVANCE. This will increase the likelihood that we are able to make your special event happen!

Submit your request and we will try to make your special event happen!

What is the minimum amount of guest for mobile parties?

You must have a minimum of 10 people to book a mobile party.

What if I do not meet my minimum prior to the party date?

We understand that situations happen that we just do not see coming or guest might have other situations occur with them as well. Please just let us know that your count might be lower than the minimum and we can discuss your options! No worries we got you and completely understand!

When should party guest arrive?

Your instructor will arrive 45-60 minutes prior to the start time to begin setting up.

All guest should be in attendance at least 10-15 minutes prior to agreed start time. Instructor may not be able to guide late arrivals from the beginning as it will slow the progress of the entire group

Being that we could potentially have more than one mobile event for that instructor, please respect the time that they have agreed to give you an amazing experience!

Do you provide tables and chairs?

We no longer supply chairs for events. We will still cover a limited amount of tables and covers to assure no paint clean up. For your convenience, it is many hardware stores locally that offer very low cost rentals for any outdoor events. If the venue has tables please let us know!

My event is outdoors and it is going to rain. What do I do?

If weather conflicts with party date then the HOST can make supply a CANOPY if the rain is not heavy and the temperature outdoors is fair and the instructor is comfortable with the adjustment or change to INDOORS at a venue of their choice. If our location is available then HOST can have party there.

It is many parks that might have openings as well with shelter so always check-in with your city or towns park events department for availability as well!

We will make the day happen one way or another!

For all Parties Anything Arts will provide water and small candy snacks for guest  

BYOB Alcohol Policy

You will sign an agreement outlining that only everyone 21 years of age or older and will consume alcoholic beverages responsibly.