Let’s Get Dancing!


Hip Hop

For children, confidence is a funny thing. We can feel invincible – until someone shoots us down. Well, dancing is a common part of any kind of social activity today. With our help, your child will feel far more at home in their own skin, improving their self-belief and confidence as they continue to improve over time. Another significant benefit of learning how to dance is that it allows your child to become more comfortable socially. It might be tough at first, but once they get some positive encouragement and a semblance of a routine down with a partner, they will begin to feel the confidence flow through their veins.



Lets have fun dancing and getting an amazing work out at the same time!


Latin Dance

Learn bachata, salsa, and the merengue! Get moving with traditional dance styles that could be different age levels and experience!


African Dance

African dance refers to a form of performing art found among most cultures of Sub-Saharan Africa. Still practiced today, it involves rhythmic body movements combined with music and sometimes theatrical representations. There are as many forms of African dance as there are human groups.


Visual Arts

